Frequently Asked Questions
What device will my student be using at WMS?
A Google Chromebook and a Chromebook Charger.
What are the replacement costs?
$240 for the Google Chromebook and $35 for the Chromebook charger according to the Student Device Loan form.
What if we lose the charging cable?
You can order a replacement yourself or pay $35 fee. We do not keep extras at the school for immediate replacements, so ordering it yourself would be the most efficient way to replace it. Please see the Media Center staff if you need to order a replacement charger.
Does my student need a case or label?
A padded carrying case (sized for an 11.5-12 inch laptop) with handles or a strap would be a good option. Each chromebook will have a label on the top for student name identification, and a district barcode label on the bottom. Neither of those should be removed. Any other stickers or labels students wish to add must be completely removable.
Is my student going to be online all day long?
Absolutely not. Teachers will be using the Chromebooks with students when appropriate for lessons and to complete work.
What are my responsibilities as a parent?
1. Complete the Student Device Loan form and indicate whether you are willing to have your student bring his/her Chromebook home for use.
2. Provide a consistent, safe place where your student can charge his/her/their Chromebook each night, and ensure that your student comes to school with his/her/their Chromebook.
3. Reinforce appropriate use of the device. The Chromebook should be considered a "work laptop." It is not for gaming or other activities which are not school-related. All activity on the Chromebooks goes through an online filtering service provided by the district, and may be monitored at any time. Filters are not perfect, however, and thus we recommend adult supervision at home.
Can my student print from the Chromebook at home?
Yes - here are directions that will help you.